Enables you to calculate and convert money values between different currency formats. It can automatically fetch current exchange rate from the net while performing the conversions.
Best Converter XP is a program to convert almost anything to anything else.Nice looking and comfortable interface,over 1000 units conversions,60 categories,currency conversions with online rate updates,custom units conversions and much more.
Fast and easy way to convert foreign currency. Online exchange rates updated from European Central Bank.it has Easy-to-use interface,
Keypad pane,Results are calculated automatically when you type a number.Ability to swap units.and much more.
Currency converter with auto update feature to convert the value of money from one currency format to the other. Supports as many as 200 international currency formats.
Currency converter from which you are prompted to select the name of the country or the currency key for getting all the equivalent rates of other currencies.
A currency conversion and exchange rates program that offers a currency table and lists exchange rates for selected currency. Supports auto exporting of new currency rates.
Perform currency conversions using latest money values obtained from Yahoo! Finance. Feature to assign a fixed currency values and save frequently used currencies, are possible.