OS / Platform:
Windows 2000,
Windows 2003,
Windows 98,
Windows NT,
Windows XP,
10 MB free hard disk space, Intel Pentium or AMD K5 processor with 133 MHz, 32 MB RAM
Editors Note
With this performance optimizing tool you could improve your security and also system performance. Comes with a registry cleaner which allows you to delete unwanted history of the registry files and supports to take backup before performing deletion and allows you to restore it any time. Supports to clean up the internet accessing history automatically at a specified time and uninstall the windows programs on demand. Could also delete multiple occurrence of the files, invalid shortcuts in your system and allows you to split large files of any format and rejoin it. Other features includes the information about the system , detect and remove the spyware, viruses, Trojans from the system, automatic shutting down of the pc on specified or interval of time.