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BusinessCards MX Rating 0.00

License Type:
US$ 29.95
Version No. :
File Size:
73.4 NA
OS / Platform:
Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista

Pentium processor, 512MB RAM, 250MB free Hard Disk space
Additional notice appearing on the printout
Site Language:
English, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Czech, French, Polish, Dutch, Hungarian, Croatian, Romanian, Greek, Danish, Korean, Portuguese
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Editors Note
Using this application you could easily design and create business cards with images, text and other graphical elements. Provides 750 inbulit templates to create the cards quickly and lets you to save the company or other peoples information and use it during designing. Works with image formats like jpg, tiff, png, bmp etc. and allows you to add special effects such as shadows, textures and gradients to the images. Supports Unicode format, right to left languages and permits you to print on both sides of the paper.