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Font Tools

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.NET Barcode Forms Control and DLL

A feature packed barcode program, which helps you to combine barcodes with .NET frameworks and print them. Feature to send barcode as graphic image and utilize them as DLL, is also made available.
US$ 199.00
251.8 KB

4-State Barcode Fonts

Font package that contains 4 state barcode fonts for printing RM4SCC barcode symbols.
US$ 99.00
159.0 KB

ABarCode for Access 2000

Permits you to insert barcode on the access reports.
US$ 129.00
1.95 MB

Advanced Font Catalog

Helps you to organize font files available in your Jazz disks, hard drives, ZIP disks, CD-ROMs etc.
US$ 29.95
1.0 MB

Advanced Font Viewer

Preview and print the available fonts installed in your local PC with ease.
US$ 29.95
961.0 KB


Convert AFM and INF postscript font files into PFM files that can be used for installing fonts in Windows using this font authoring tool.
982.2 KB

Altsoft FTMaster

Helps you to convert, design and modify fonts with ease.
US$ 199.00
4.9 MB

Altsoft FTMaster

Fonts can be converted, designed and edited with the help of this software. You can also create new fonts and change between different formats using this program.
US$ 199.00
4.93 MB

AMP Font Viewer

Managing fonts can be made easy with this tool, the fonts that are installed and not installed can be managed them effectively.
465.9 KB

Anchek FontPeeper

Allows users to preview font details, code pages and character sets etc., and place any font in clipboard or in any program.
US$ 19.95
922.0 KB
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