A Wamp tool that is skillfully designed for Windows platforms with association of Apache, MySQL and PHP. It helps the users who are fresh to this field.
Utility that provides you the source code report which includes information on the number of source code lines, number of comment lines, number of mixed lines and number of blank lines.
Efficient text editor with bookmark, search tool bar, text Clips, Tabbed MDI interface, User-defined schemes etc., to help developers to edit their source code.
Excellent application, which provides a perfect environment to develop Basic based application. Offers all the necessary tools and functionalities to develop BASIC based application.
Provides alignment techniques to design Windows
forms, to create and modify user interfaces and
to resize user interface components automatically when forms are changed.
With this scripting language, users may able to create, read, delete, rename, copy and move files and folders effectively. Just through a few clicks, script files can be executed easily.