Software Search:

File & Disk Management

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X DupFile

Able to detect and remove the duplicate files on the hard disk, removable disk and other storage devices.
US$ 29.95
512.7 KB


Secures your important files and folders of your system from unauthorized access. You can even secure the files and folders on your removable media.
US$ 17.50
3.54 MB


Split large files into smaller parts instantly in a batch process.
US$ 15.00
177.1 KB

X2Net Recent Documents

A tool to manage and create catalog of all your documents for quick management and to trace the documents that are accessed and viewed recently.
US$ 19.99
4.26 MB

XBaseCatalog - Standard

Software that can be used to manage and organize CD, DVD and floppy Disks. Through user friendly interface, CD and DVD files can be catalogued.
US$ 34.95
1.85 MB


This advanced file manager gives you lot of facilities such as file search, encryption, password protection, import, export etc.
US$ 19.95
1.5 MB

XL Delete

File wiping program which provides you 5 different wiping ways to easily remove the selected files from your PC. You can even automate the deleting process by scheduling it with the built-in scheduler.
US$ 25.00
1.35 MB

XLS Regenerator

You can recover the Excel files which are damaged and accidentally removed with the help of this advanced file recovery program. File preview and auto save options are included in it.
US$ 49.99
2.70 MB

Xml2PDF Hotfolder Edition

Different XML data formats such as XSL-FO, SVG, XHTML and WordML can be easily changed into PDF files with this utility. It converts all those files in hot folders into PDF files and stores the output PDF files in a new folder.
US$ 299.00
2.70 MB

Xml2PDF- Workstation Edition

This software is capable of changing the XML files of different format like SVG, XSL-FO, WordML, DocBook and XHTML into PDF files on the fly.
US$ 49.00
2.55 MB