Program that enables you to monitor your internet connection as well as adjust your PC clock automatically by connecting the time server in a specified time period to get the exact time.
Perfect way for cleaning your hard disk and protecting your privacy. You can erase browser history, cache and cookies as well as the Windows temporary files using this tool.
Gives you the ability to free up the hard disk space of your system by deleting the unwanted files, temporary files, invalid application shortcuts etc.
Unnecessary garbage files in your disk drives can be removed with this utility, it also deletes the temporary & backup files created by other programs.
Optimization utility specially created to give you the ability to optimize your physical and virtual memory. It also lets you to view the details of RAM.
Tiny tool that can be used to find and erase the Windows temporary, junk and obsolete files from your hard disk. You can increase the hard disk space and boost the system speed by using this tool.